5 Myths About the Fashion Industry

When thinking about working in the fashion industry many people think of “The Devil Wears Prada” but the movie just has a little truth to the industry. There are many misconceptions about working in the fashion industry. While there are certain stereotypes that are close to the truth, they are more than often exaggerated. Below are five of the most common myths about the fashion industry debunked:

  1. The fashion industry is glamorous

    1. Social media may make it seem like people in the industry just go to parties and events but there is much more to it. There is a lot of hard work that goes into working in the industry and some people even work around the clock. 

  2. The industry is extremely cutthroat

    1. The fashion industry is filled with a ton of different people and lovely people who are willing and happy to work with others who want to get into the business.

  3. Everyone who wants to be in fashion must know how to sew

    1. This is far from the truth. There are a ton of different jobs in the fashion industry that do not involve design and making clothes. The fashion industry has jobs for people who want to be in Journalism and Business, just to name a few. 

  4. All fashion brands are independent

    1. Many fashion brands merge under other brands in order to keep their business afloat. Brands like Versace and Jimmy Choo were acquired by Michael Kors and Rihanna’s brand Fenty operates under LVMH’S brand. Owning your own fashion business can be very expensive and can get people into massive debts, which is why it's a great option to merge or operate under another business if you can.

  5. All designers must know how to sketch

    1. This is not entirely true. Knowing how to sketch your own ideas would help you be able to get your ideas across to others and put your thoughts on paper. But if you do not know how to sketch then you can just hire an illustrator to sketch the designs for you.