The Importance of Networking in the Fashion Industry


Networking is key to success when developing and growing your career. You have probably heard this countless times throughout your school career but it’s for a very good reason. 

Networking is the most fundamental skill that everyone should have when it comes to their career. Many companies will share that they are looking for people to hire to people in their network before they post the job online. In order to learn how to network properly in the professional world, you need to know some Do’s and Dont’s of networking.

Here are some Do’s and Dont’s of Networking:

  • Do’s

    • Create a Professional friendship when looking to network.

      • Networking only benefits you when there is a mutual exchange and support from both sides. Only going to your college when you need something from them is not the right way to network.

    • Attend networking events

      • Network with people like your classmates, professors, friends, and even their friends. Volunteer to gain experience and take part in events that are specific to your intended industry.

    • Network Online

      • Networking doesn't just have to be in person, you can connect with people online through social media and platforms like LinkedIn. 

  • Don’t 

    • Don’t send tons of emails

      • You shouldn’t harass people with emails and constantly ask them if they got your email. Spamming people with tons of emails is not the way to network with someone.

    • Don’t always Expect a reply

      • Usually for every 10 emails your send out you might get one reply. It is nothing you should take personally. People in the industry get tons of emails every day and if they do not respond. It doesn’t mean they saw your Instagram and thought negatively of you.